e mail - himalayaramesh@yahoo.com. (M) +91 9825022874 Asphalt Batch mix plant HIMALAYA make plnat are specifically acclimatized to indias norm's normal aggregate conditions input dust levels, moisture content in stones, everage environmental standards , fuel availability and production variables.therefors, our customers have absolutely no bad surprises. Asphalt batch mix plant ( 80 To 240 Tph ) . Drum mix plant . Asphalt Drum mix plant (20 to 260 Tph ) . batch Mix plant . Damar Batch mix plant . hot mix plant . bitumen hot mix plant .wet mix plant . mecadem wet mix plant. bitumen spreyar. menual spreyar tractor mounted.bitumen truck mounted spreyar.cement batch mix pant . hyd. broomer. mech broomer . road cleanar broomer . Road construction machinery . Road equipment manufactures. road construction equipment. Asphalt Road equipment . HIMALAYA Road equipment machineryall type manufacture .
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