e mail - himalayaramesh@yahoo.com , (M) +91 98 250 22874 HIMALAYA Road construction Equipment manufacturing machine last 25 year . We are Aproved Vender in Goverment/ semi Govt/ private Sectors/ corporation / NHAI / and many other reputed companies . HIMALAYA make vast buniess market in INDIA as well as ABROAD for supply, erection , testing and commissioing. HIMALAYA make all Type Asphalt Road Equipment Manufacture . Asphalt Drum mix Plant . Drum mix plant . Hot Mix Plant . Mobile Drum mix Plant . Damar Plant . Asphalt Autometic drum mix plant . Asplant Batch Mix Plant . Batch Mix Plant . Damar batch Mix Plant . Hot mix Batch Mix plant . Wet Mix plant . Mecedam Wet mix Plant . Trolly Mounted Spreyar . Bitumen Spreyar. Hyd. Broomer . Mech Broomer . Road Clenar Broomer . Asphalt Paver finisher . Paver Finisher . Sensor Paver Finisher . Seni Sensor Paver Finisher . Road construction machinery.
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